Kathy Fernandez

Kathy Fernandez



  • Nursing

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Dr. Katheryn R. Fernandez is an Assistant Professor in Nursing at Capital University. She has over twenty years of teaching in higher education. Dr. Fernandez has expertise in nursing, psychology, global education/study abroad, and service learning. Dr. Fernandez is active in mentoring students and serving in nursing organizations.

Dr. Fernandez continues to study gerontology. Currently she is working on decreasing social isolation of community dwelling older adults and decreasing ageism in college students by developing a partnership between them. Dr. Fernandez leads annual study abroad trips to Mexico for students to increase their understanding of Hispanic culture and healthcare. Dr. Fernandez
has presented her findings at the international, national, state and local level.

Dr. Fernandez has received the Hearst Award for Gerontological Education from the National League of Nursing and The Hartford Foundation. She continues to work on funded projects involving older adults. She is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Lambda Delta and Sigma Theta Tau Honor Societies.
N366 Evidence based practice and research
N510 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
N640 Nursing Administration part 1
N641 Nursing Administration part 2
The Ohio State University PhD
The Ohio State University MS education
Wright State University BS Nursing
Fernandez, K. (2018, June). Transforming perspective on older adults: conceptualizing the “Silver Tsunami” as a cultural paradigm shift. Podium session presented at the Sigma Theta Tau 4th Biennial European Conference, Cambridge, UK.

Fernandez, K, Wagner, D, Hoffmann, J and Hazenfield, S. (2018, April) The Blanket Project: Avondale Elementary. Poster presentation Capital University Showcase of Student Learning and Community Engagement, Columbus, Ohio.

Fernandez, K. (2018, March). Transforming perspective on older adults: conceptualizing the “Silver Tsunami” as a cultural paradigm shift. Podium session presented at the 20 Global Nursing Education Conference, New York, New York.

Fernandez, K. & Maurer Baack, C. (2015, November). Transforming Perspective on older adults: Conceptualizing the “Silver Tsunami” as a cultural paradigm shift. Podium session presented at Sigma Theta Tau International 43rd Biennial Convention, Las Vegas, NV.

Fernandez, K., Maurer Baack, C., Clayton, A., Myers, P., Redman, K. (2015, May). Fall Risk and Older
Adults: A project promoting Professional Nursing through QSEN and Senior BSN students. Poster session
presented at the 8th Annual Midwest Geriatric Nursing Education Alliance Meeting, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.